Faber Group introduces new CO2-Ccalculator

Faber Group presents new CO2 calculator - vPOOL benefits from sustainable innovation

15 September 2024

The Faber Group is consistently continuing its focus on sustainability and is presenting a new CO2 calculator, which is also available to its subsidiary vPOOL Logistics GmbH in Wörnitz. With this step, the Faber Group, and thus also vPOOL, is expanding the application of its proven technology to all business units, thus strengthening its position as a pioneer in the field of sustainable pooling solutions.

Making sustainability measurable

The Faber Group has set itself the task of making the environmental footprint of its products transparent and comprehensible. The new CO2 calculator enables users to analyse the environmental impact of their load carriers in comparison to disposable variants. Using specific key figures such as CO2 savings, energy consumption and raw material requirements, it becomes clear what positive effects can be achieved by using the open pooling solution from vPOOL Logistics GmbH.


Scientifically sound calculations

The CO2 calculator from vPOOL is based on the results of a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) study. This study covers the entire life cycle of vPOOL's load carriers - from production to the end of their useful life. International standards in accordance with ISO14040/44 are adhered to and the results are scrutinised by experts.


Easy to use, concrete results

The online calculator is now available on the website of the Faber Group divisions, including vPOOL. By entering the type of load carrier and the number of units, users can immediately see how high the CO2 savings are compared to conventional solutions. The results are presented in simple and generalised values, such as the number of trees saved or vehicle kilometres avoided.


Contact and further information

After using the CO2-Calculator, users have the opportunity to leave their business data in order to receive customised advice from the vPOOL team. In this way, individual optimisation potential for a more sustainable supply chain can be identified directly.


Try it out now (set links). Click here for the vPOOL CO2-Calculator or browse through our LCA or Sustainability Report